Take2 Exam Option

take 2

Choose Take2 with Dion Training for a stress-free exam experience! If you don't pass on the first try, you've got a second shot within 6 months, no new voucher required.

Just a heads-up: Grab Take2 when you get your voucher. It's not an option after your exam.

Buy a Voucher

What are the benefits?

Overcome test anxiety by giving yourself the opportunity to retake a challenging exam, providing confidence for any unexpected obstacles.

Retake the exam at a reduced price instead of having to buy it again at the full cost. This will help you save money while giving you another chance to improve your score.

You will have plenty of time to prepare with a generous six-month period from the original exam date, guaranteeing that you will be fully ready.

How to purchase it?


Visit our vouchers page, select the one you need, and click on "Buy Now".

CompTIA® Project+

CompTIA® Project+

Exam voucher for the PearsonVue in-person or online certification exam.
Official Exam Voucher

CompTIA® Project+

Delivered in less than 10 mins.

CompTIA® Project+

Exam Voucher Only


Add Take2 re-sit option for only

Take your exam with confidence!

If you purchase this option and do not pass the exam on your first attempt, you can retake the exam within 6 months, without having to purchase a new exam voucher at full price!

Take2 Re-Sit Exam Option must be purchased at the same time as your voucher and cannot be added on after you take the certification exam.


To add the Take2 option to your cart, all you need to do is click on the button located at the top right. Once you do that, it will be automatically enabled and ready for you to proceed with your purchase.

Buy a Voucher