Unfortunately, we don't currently have the voucher you requested in stock…
CompTIA® uses location-based pricing for their exams and each country/region uses different exam vouchers. Due to this, we keep a limited amount of vouchers on hand and replenish the stock each day.
While rare, some days we receive an unexpected demand from a certain country and run out of vouchers. We do restock every evening, though, so if you come back tomorrow we will have a voucher ready for you.
If you need one sooner, please email support@diontraining.com and our team can get ensure the voucher you need to be restocked is expedited.
We apologize for the inconvenience and continue to adjust our voucher inventory based on the buying patterns of our students to prevent out of stocks from occurring.
To schedule your exam, you can visit https://store.comptia.org/ to buy your voucher directly from them, or https://pearsonvue.com/comptia